Friday, March 12, 2010

Electro Magnetic Field - Hazardous to Our Health

Experts have studied how invisible waves of energy from electromagnetic fields effect animals and humans and how they lead to environmental health hazards . In the early 1970s electromagnetic fields were linked to the onset of childhood leukemia, and other studies have revealed that electromagnetic fields can cause pacemakers to malfunction as well as other equipment and monitors. Electromagnetic energies have also been linked to other illnesses, cancers, and birth defects in animals, too.

Different appliances produce different amounts of electromagnetic energy. For instance, one's microwave emanates an electromagnetic field measured at 300 milliGuass when gauged from six feet away from the device. A hairdryer might generate 700 milliGuass. Even an electric blanket generates electromagnetic energy and exposes the sleeper to potentially hazardous energies.Many people have serious concerns over the use of computer technologies and mobile devices too since both of the latter emit electromagnetic fields of various levels and human beings are exposed to such devices all of the time.

To avoid potential dangers associated with electromagnetic exposure, it is recommended that individuals minimize their exposure to potential electromagnetic sources, if it is at all possible to do so. People are advised to distance themselves from known sources of electromagnetic energy. Sources can be identified with an inexpensive device known as an electromagnetic detector. A cell sensor device costs no more than 35 to 40 dollars and will give the user of the device a clear indication where EMF energies are emanating from in one's home, so that they can better distance themselves from such energies when possible. Some experts suggest the use of a Faraday cage to shield or shell any item that is capable of generating electromagnetic energies, but this is not always a practical application.

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